Restore a backup

I messed something up in the files trying to the deployed code down under the limit for the cloud 9 plan and now I get an error when I try to go into any codeless sections. I must have deleted too much. I tried to restore from a backup but I still have it saying this. Can I restore the backup?

Application ID: 81CB0A51-99CD-A816-FF40-D7DECA745800

Can't find service scheme. Please, try redeploy you service.

Hi @Ryan_Belisle ,

Try to open restored logic in Codeless editor and click on “Deploy” button. After these actions problem should disappear. Could you please try it and write me back about results?

Regards, Andriy

@Andriy_Konoz Sorry, I am not sure where I have ever seen this deploy button. Can you clarify? Whenever I open any codeless logic editor I get an the error red screen.

@Ryan_Belisle ,

Have you tried to delete those “broken” services, import them again from your backup file and open “Cloud Code” tab once more?

Regards, Andriy

Alternatively we can restore those services from our backups but it will cost you $200. This fee is charged to cover our engineers time which they spend on this operation.