Please check the screenshot. I am sending a encoded email to API, it responds back with 200 Ok but it doesn’t send any email to the user also response content of API is also empty.
What is the payload of the request ? Could you please show us full request URL ?
What do you mean when you say encoded email ?
A complete cURL example would help
I had similar problem today using the following iOS code:
[backendless.userService restorePassword:email responder:responder];
Even when I test the password recovery template from the console, it says Internal server error with id 7B923617-1A32-4BB6-FF44-509A5EB9C700
but when I test the working template of user confirmation - it has been sent just fine
Can you please provide your application ID?
it’s 48C3579C-98DC-FF24-FF55-090ED62D3500
Thanks for reporting, confirmed it is a bug. An internal ticket BKNDLSS-13708 has been created to fix this.
As a temporary workaround, you can change the names of the template titles so that there are no duplicates. For example, change the one for the event “User request password recovery by link” to “Восстановление пароля по ссылке”
This issue will be fixed in the next major release. For now, please use unique names for the email templates’ titles.