Restoring backup is extremely flaky in both Backendless Stanalone and Cloud

I’m trying to restore the backup of the Backendless 6 application first to the Backendless Standalone install and then to the Cloud (just to check if the problem is with my statdalone install) and both fail randomly. The test backup consists of the app settings and very large number of tables (515) without any data.

To make matters worse the failed backup process leaves some kind of a lock and I can’t start the new backup untill this timeout passes. How can this timeout be cleared in the statdalone install?

upd: I was able to restore the backup on Cloud version. But standalone is still a no-go.

HI @Olex ,

Can you provide your steps on how you created the backup so that we can reproduce the problem or you can give us your backup file.
This will help us reproduce the problem.


Managed to finish the restore locally. The problem was the low memory limit for the k8s cluster. After raising it to 8GB everiything is working as is should.

Not “flaky” after all, huh? :wink:

Well, it doesn’t handle this out of memory situation well. The import process abruptly stops, there is no indication of its current status and what has happened. That is for the standalone install.

As for cloud one, I think the problem can be with the free account limit enforcing. The import stopped when the overlimit alarm first appeared and there were some strange errors in the import log. Strangely the second import after that succeded. Also I was refreshing the import log very fast and sometimes got the error instead on the log.

For standalone version I assume there should logs in the bl-server container

The import stopped when the overlimit alarm first appeared and there were some strange errors in the import log.

could you please provide what the error look like

Also I was refreshing the import log very fast and sometimes got the error instead on the log.

also, could you please share the error with us


I’ve already deleted that test app. But I will try on the new one with the same backup.