retrieve code from backendless to desktop

Hi guys,

I created an android application where user can save some data in backendless, and can also retrieve it and read it,
I want to do the same with desktop, so the user can use his stored data in his andophone and desktop.
Is that possible with Backendless and where I can find a documentation for desktop, I don’t know if I create a JAVA desktop app and use the same codes for android or create a chrome app and use the JavaScript codes. if there any solution I’m open to it !
Thank you for your anwsers :slight_smile:

Our Android SDK runs both on Android and on Desktop and most likely you won’t need to change anything in your code (related to using our APIs, but definitely you would need to rewrite your own Android-code part). And you can use the same documentation you used while developing your Android app.
The same goes to JavaScript - you can use our SDK in any environment.

So just try and notify us in case something doesn’t work as expected :slight_smile:

Thank you for the fast answer, and it really helps :smiley:

So I’ll start with JAVA for the desktop app first and use the Android SDK :slight_smile:
I’ll ask if something goes wrong.
Thank you again :slight_smile: