Retrieve Data from AppleTV Swift

Hi I’m dealing with this problem maybe someone can help me:

The information to retrieve it’s like this:’94ABB692-B65F-43E6-A0B6-69265497B615’&loadRelations=vehiculo

But my Swift code only working without the relation:

The info here:

But for the full code:

This is the error:

Any Ideas ?

This is a good sample for test but no relation there:

Thanks, Mario

Hello @Mario_Ghersi,

What version of Swift-SDK do you use? The latest one is 6.7.8, and it seems like you’re using the older one, because some signatures changed a little since then.
I highly recommend updating to the latest version, and try again. Please let me know if t helped.


My version 5.8 for Xcode 14.3

Thanks, Mario

My solution in the meantime is for the AppleTv to create a table that has no relation just so it can read without using that function.

Chec the example of the video from 2018 that was my inspiration to enter in the AppleTV solution but relations is important to be solved.

Thanks, Mario

Hi Mario,

I’m asking not about the Swift version but the Backendless Swift-SDK version (the latest now is 6.7.8). The article you followed is quite old (2018) and uses the old iOS-SDK which is not supported anymore. Please upgrade to the newest Backendless Swift-SDK and let me know if the problem still occurs.
(There will be some method signature changes).

How to check the Backendless version ? because it’s coming directly by the “Podfile” installation should be the last one I think…

target ‘AppleTvDemo’ do
pod ‘Backendless’

It should be

target ‘AppleTvDemo’ do
pod 'BackendlessSwift'

(pod 'BackendlessSwift' instead of pod 'Backenldess')

The version could be checked in the Podfile.lock file after pods are installed.
To install the latest version of BackendlessSwift-SDK (v 6.7.8) the tvOS deployment target should be at least 11.0.

I’ll update the Github sample as soon as possible.

Any idea how to solve this?
That happened with the new pod install with your suggestion of update.

Thanks, Mario

Please navigate to the Build Settings Tab and remove the Objective-C Bridging Header property:

A new version of this demo is already on GitHub, however please let me know if you still have any problems with relations.