Retrieving data from relations tables

I am trying to display data from a ‘many to many’ table (SurvivorStocks) that shows stockOwned by a specific user of a specific stock type or ‘Survivor’. I can utilize the values for the SurvivorStocks, but when I try to utilize the name from the ‘Survivors’ table in the UI, I can’t. I am sure I am missing something very basic but I have been trying to wrap my head around this trying to figure it out.

Here is my table structure:

Here is the code I have built:

And when I do a print on the object I created from the loaded data, here is the object I get in the console:

I am able to map, stockOwned, just fine to the UI, but when I try to map, nothing happens. When I try to isolate in the Logic side, I can’t seem to do so. What am I missing here?

Hello @Dan_Worwood

I can say you retrieve data correctly.
Let’s see how do render it, there is should be Dynamic List inside another Dynamic List, could you please share a link to preview of the page?

Regards, Vlad

Thanks Vladimir,

I only have one dynamic list component, you are saying I need a nested dynamic list? Here is where I am trying to map the value to. I did it as ‘’

But when I render it, I get this,
survivor page

When you say a dynamic list, I have my row set to a dynamic list, how do I put another dynamic list inside of this row?

Hello @Dan_Worwood,

I’ve tried to describe the logic of nested blocks in the another topic, hope this answer would be helpful for you too.
