Retrieving datas and fill a UITableView

Hello all,

First of all, thanks for the great job. I already found a lot which makes me confident.
I have to switch from Parse (like everybody these days I guess…) and I am facing some troubles to get into Backendless… I was used to use the dedicated objects provided by Parse as PFQueryTableViewController and PFObject to fill easily my tableViews.

These days I tried several BaaS and I have to say I got lost.

I am working on iOS app with Swift.

So here are my questions :
#1. Does Backendless provide any dedicated objects as Parse (sorry for the comparison :D) to fill the TableViews?
#2. Which way should I use to fill a tableView? Do you have any exemple about that? I had a serious look to the CookBook but I didn’t find anything like that.
#3. I would like to provide my service even if there is no internet connection. Do I have to use CoreData? Is there anything provided by Backendless yet ( i saw some topics about upcoming features).

I know it could sound easy from your side, but I have to say I am feeling a bit lost and dizzy after these research days… Sorry for the 3 questions in one post.

Beside this, Mark, thanks again. I promise I’ll post my questions here and won’t disturb you by mail anymore haha.

Add… for my third question, i got the answer just few seconds ago from another post. But according to your roadmap, do you think it is still worthwhile to spend time on implementing CoreData or waiting a little bit could provide us a good surprise?

      1. No but you can easily build them yourself by extending TableViewController. (make a function which takes a BackendlessDataQuery as argument and fill the rows with the query result)
  1. There is nothing yet and I’m of the opinion that watching device internet state is not the job of a framework. It’s good thing to keep some control on calls that go over the internet connection.

3.5 Implementing somewhat like a local cache is not a big deal.

I don’t really mind to use Swift core objects if Backendless doesn’t provide that kind of objects.

But right now I am even not able to understand how to fill my tableviews. :frowning:
Should I create an array and fill based on it?
I feel like I am missing something and everything start to be messed up in my mind.

It’s just objects, retrieved from an api call.

The typical way to populate data into a tableView is to have an array of objects bound to a tableView via a tableViewController. This is nothing backend specific.

It’s just that parse offered a readyMade “ParseTableViewController” to do the job for you. Result: The user has no idea whats going on under the hood.

Hi Vincent,

Do Jens’ answers give you enough information or you still have questions? Let me know.


I would say he found the right way to make me feel like ‘What the hell he’s right there is nothing amazing to do here…’
And I finally just found why nothing was happening in my tableView… I get my datas now. Thanks Jens for kicking my ass :smiley:
I guess I spent too much time trying to make all those services work to figure out which one is the best for me… furthermore it is already 2.40 am here in China and I start to need some sleep haha.

I have now to figure out all the differences between the and others to get the right one for what I have to do.

I’ll try to do that tomorrow.

Thanks a lot.


There’s a whole lot of content in the blog section by Mark. If you go through all of it you’ll be ready to build your awesome app in no time.

The api calls are donkey kong proof, most of them are self explaining.

I already spent a long time on it but I think I was to fresh to understand everything. I’ll go back there tomorrow. The worst is that ‘amazing’ app like you say was ready for releasing. But due to Parse announcement I preferred to switch before getting lot of datas and have to migrate it later on. But as my mom always says : doing and redoing, it is still working. ;0) have a good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are.