Retrieving GeoPoint from saved object returns null

We saved an object that only stores attributes as a test into backendless:

public class Post {

private String imageTitle;
private String imageURI;
private GeoPoint loc;

public Post(String imagePath, String title, GeoPoint g)
    imageURI = imagePath;
    imageTitle = title;
    loc = g;
}When we look at the console table the object exists there and the GeoPoint data corresponding to it. However when we try to pull the object it displays as null and every attempt to call a method on it will throw a null pointer exception.@Override

public void handleResponse(BackendlessCollection<Post> postBackendlessCollection) {

retrivedArray = postBackendlessCollection.getCurrentPage();
for (Post p:retrivedArray)
    Log.d(TAG, p.getImageTitle() + " | " + p.getImageURI() + p.getLoc());



A geopoint is considered a related property. Did you specify in the request to load object to also include the “loc” column into the response?


Thank you so much for your quick response. We’re on the right track to fixing our issue.

Is the problem solved now?