Retrieving JSON Data (simple array of ints)

Hi all!

Im trying to retrieve json data of simple ints but don’t have any success.

I have the table GameSettings with 4 fields and 1 of them is field “targetXPToGetLevel” json type as following: [500,500,500,1000,1500].

I have Csharp class for this table:
public class GameSettings

public string objectId;
public int coinsForCorrectAnswer;
public int timeLimitInSeconds;
public int xpForCorrectAnswer;
public List targetXPToGetLevel;

As I have just one record in the table I am trying to get data using:
GameSettings gameSettings = Backendless.Data.Of().FindFirst();

Everything ok with getting all data except of targetXPToGetLevel.
I tried to make it array of ints in my class, but I cann’t get anything from backendless.

Whould be anyone so kind to open my eyes for this issue :slight_smile:

Application ID 26E4AEFF-1460-DA90-FFF8-2A76FF44D700

Снимок экрана 2021-01-26 103518

Hello @Tim_Burdukov

Welcome to our community and thank you for trying out Backendless.

We are looking into it.

Hello, @Tim_Burdukov.

We will update the Nugget package today. I’ll let you know when it’s ready.

Regards, Nikita.

@Tim_Burdukov, we have updated the Backendless.NET SDK version to 6.2.0.
NuGet Gallery | Backendless.NET 6.2.0.
NET-SDK (version 6.2.0) now supports JSON. Try submitting your request again. Let us know if your problem is resolved.

Happy codding!

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It is my mistake I did’nt write I use Backendless Package for Unity.

@Tim_Burdukov, we’ll let you know when it’s ready.

Regards, Nikita.

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Thanks Nikita

Hello, @Tim_Burdukov.

We’ve updated the Unity SDK to version 6.2.0, let me know if everything works for you.

Regards, Nikita.

Hello, @Nikita_Fedorishchev
Unfortunately doesn’t work.

Ive got these errors

Thanks for the feedback, I will fix this shortly.

Regards, Nikita.

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Hi, Nikita!

Is my problem in your plans yet? :slight_smile:

Hello, @Tim_Burdukov.

The issue has been fixed and will be released shortly. Sorry for waiting.

Regards, Nikita.

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Hello, @Tim_Burdukov! Released a new version of Backendless SDK for Unity! Please let us know if it works for you.

Best regards, Nikita.