Reusable Component: "On Visibility Change" is not processed

I’ve made a reusable component to display a configurable popup.
The component contains an inner block “block1” which in turn contains more UI elements.
For “block1”, I’ve defined a handler for the event “On Visibility Change” (just containing print statements).

Initially, the reusable component is invisible. When turning it to visible (either by using “toggle component visibility” or by data binding, the handler for “On Visibility Change” for the “block1” is not processed (nothing printed to the console).

I would consider this as a bug. Could you reproduce this?


Hello @Klaas_Klever

Thank you for contacting the support team. I was able to reproduce the problem and created an internal ticket BKNDLSS-27626. We will let you know when the problem is fixed.


Hello @Klaas_Klever

Sorry for the long wait. But this behavior is by design, when you convert a component into a Reusable one you have no access to its inner components from the page, you can interact with them only when you are editing the reusable component

At this moment, it still works (in the preview) because after making a new reusable component the list of available components on the page is not refreshed, but if you refresh the browser there is even no “Component” category because there are no components with the specified id.

We have made a fix that after closing the Logic tab all the dynamic codeless blocks will be removed.


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