RNBackendless to support RN 0.59+ for Google 64bits requirement

I’ll try run with your keys…

My Device is an S9+
Android version 9
knox 3.2.1
knox API level 27
TIMA 4.0.0

last update April 01

My wife has a S8 and is also crashing.

@vladimir-upirov I did run with your version and get the same result, App keeps closing.

Hi Marcio

I can reproduce the issue on android 9 emulator

I’m getting the same error as you, working on it

Regards, Vlad

@vladimir-upirov thanks a million. Really grateful… Regards

one thing what I found, you asked it before,
you can remove the next line from AndroidManifest.xml

<receiver android:name="com.reactlibrary.RNBackendlessPushNotificationActionReceiver"/>

it disable any actions on push notification, while I’m not fixed the crashing problem

Nice @vladimir-upirov. thanks!