[INFO] Registering runner on: ‘http://api.backendless.com’ with version ‘v1’
[INFO] Application ID: ‘71F2CA9A-D8E7-9561-FFF0-A2BDBF8CF800’
[INFO] Secret key: ‘B68600D1-0EA6-660D-FFA3-EA6D4A2B4000’
[INFO] Runner successfully registered
[INFO] Parsing event model…
[ERROR] Cannot run program “jar” (in directory “…\classes”): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
[INFO] Debugging Utility disconnected successfully
[INFO] Thank you for using Backendless
Press any key to continue . . .
You are using outdated version of CodeRunner. Please navigate to Business Logic and click Download button out of any section. The downloaded archive will contain the latest version of CodeRunner which is 3.0.22.
Try again the steps you’ve made and inform us concerning the results.
Also please specify what exactly are you trying to debug/deploy. Thanks in advance
Thans for your response Dear Anton, I want the messages I send to remain more time in a channel, I’ve been using messaging publish/subscribe and it works very well , to be honest I want to make a forum using backendless for Android and I could send messages and the susbcribers received messages but some of them (messages) are duplicated or when they dissapear from the channel , they are not sent and I don’t understand why this happens, but first of all I want to achieve the first goal(make messages remain more time in a channel) because I think this is the first step to get what I want as I said, if I’m wrong , let me know it
Not yet,but I wanted to do it using Android Studio ,however it’s different from the example you show using Intellij IDEA ,can you tell me step by steps using this IDE
Please read the Getting Started with Custom Business logic guide which explains how to write, run and deploy the business logic without being tied to some IDE.
You just have to compile your java code and put it to the classes folder.
That guide also explains how to debug Business logic in the IntelliJ IDE. We don’t have similar debugging guide for other IDEs