Saving new object results in FaultCode 1000 (.NET)

Trying to save an object to Backendless results in an error with:
FaultCode: “1000”
Message: “Entity with the specified ID cannot be found: Id - missing id”
Details: “Entity with the specified ID cannot be found: Id - missing id”

 _customer = new Customer
 FirstName = "Sterling",
 LastName = "Archer",
 PhoneNumber = "123-456-7890",
 Email = "",
 StreetAddress = "123 Spud Ave",
 City = "New York",
 Province = ontario,
 PostalCode = "P0T 4T0"

 //create test customer in Backendless
 _customer = await Backendless.Persistence.Of<Customer>().SaveAsync(_customer);

The Province is being retrieved successfully, that’s not the issue. The SaveAsync() method is:

 public static async Task<T> SaveAsync<T>(this IDataStore<T> dataStore, T entity) where T : BaseDataObject
 return await Task.Run(() =>
 var task = new TaskCompletionSource<T>();

 var asyncCallback = new AsyncCallback<T>(response =>
 }, error =>
 task.SetException(new Exception($"{error.FaultCode}: {error.Message}"));

 Backendless.Persistence.Of<T>().Save(entity, asyncCallback);

 return task.Task;

And BaseDataObject just contains ObjectId, Created, etc properties that all Backendless objects have.

It’s only saving new objects. Saving existing objects still appears to work.

Hi Justin,

The problem should be resolved on the server, however, if it still happens for you please make sure to get the latest assembly from:

