Trying to save an object to Backendless results in an error with:
FaultCode: “1000”
Message: “Entity with the specified ID cannot be found: Id - missing id”
Details: “Entity with the specified ID cannot be found: Id - missing id”
_customer = new Customer
FirstName = "Sterling",
LastName = "Archer",
PhoneNumber = "123-456-7890",
Email = "",
StreetAddress = "123 Spud Ave",
City = "New York",
Province = ontario,
PostalCode = "P0T 4T0"
//create test customer in Backendless
_customer = await Backendless.Persistence.Of<Customer>().SaveAsync(_customer);
The Province is being retrieved successfully, that’s not the issue. The SaveAsync() method is:
public static async Task<T> SaveAsync<T>(this IDataStore<T> dataStore, T entity) where T : BaseDataObject
return await Task.Run(() =>
var task = new TaskCompletionSource<T>();
var asyncCallback = new AsyncCallback<T>(response =>
}, error =>
task.SetException(new Exception($"{error.FaultCode}: {error.Message}"));
Backendless.Persistence.Of<T>().Save(entity, asyncCallback);
return task.Task;
And BaseDataObject just contains ObjectId, Created, etc properties that all Backendless objects have.
It’s only saving new objects. Saving existing objects still appears to work.