Select Component - Multiple Select


Would it be possible to extend the Select Component to allow for selecting multiple items? Under the hood material UI does allow for selecting multiple items.

This would provide an efficient and easier method for selecting multiple items.


Hello @Farid

We will discuss this with the team
Thanks for the idea


Hey Viktor, any update on this feature? Will it be implemented or not? Because i could really use if for my project.

Regards, Thomas

Hi, @Thomas_Vandergraesen

We already have an internal ticket for this impeovement - BKNDLSS-28221. At this time the ticket has the open status. When it is ready, we will inform you about it under this thread.

Regards, Marina

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What is the current workflow to create a Multiple select field?

Hello @Kenny_Butler

Our custom component multiple select is in testing now, but the beta version of this component you could get here:

As for installation, you may create your own empty custom component, and copy files from Git repo into the dir that was created for your component.

But I must warn you, it’s still a beta version and could have some issues. If you want to get a ready-to-use and supported component you must wait for the release ticket which has been mentioned by my colleague before.

Regards, Dima,

Sounds good, thanks.