"Server temporarily unavailable"/"internal server error" when accessing one of data tables

I can’t acess data from console in one of tables anymore because I get following errors:

“Server temporarily unavailable”/“internal server error”

Internal server error with id 926B252E-796A-31D1-FFEA-1677FFB60A00 message appears

Hi Kateryna,
What is your application Id?
Regards, Artur

Hi DK,
Does this issue affect you too?

App id D3EE6869-99AA-73E8-FFED-40612E93F400

An engineer was assigned to fix your application.

Did you remove the column Driver.Status?

Yes, we use the same app.

No we did not

Were there any special operations with Driver-DriverStatus tables relation?

Yes, update Driver status was called, where relation was established between Driver and DriverStatus.

Did this request fail? If not, when did you start observing the errors?

No, request was successful

The error has been fixed, please verify.

Yes, I see Driver table values in console. Thanks.

Thank you. It is working now. What was the cause?

Supposedly, this happened due to database restart under the load. We’re still investigating the reasons and ways to prevent it happening in the future.