Server temporary unavailable

I rebooted and tried to login to the Backendless standalone console. I launched the manager-windows application and had to start the play service, all other services were already started. I received the error: Server temporary unavailable.

Are all the services automatically started on each boot?

The BackendlessPlayServer service has stopped 3 times now.

Are the services marked to start automatically?

Yes, the services are marked to start automatically.

I’ve attached the apache logs.

error.log.txt (16.79kB)

I’m seeing the same problem. Though I was able to get to the console, it stopped all of a sudden.

Did you get to a resolution?


Please provide the logs from <install_dir>/apps/backendless/logs

Hello ,
I’m encountering the same problem :confused:
my logs file is attached.
can anyone help me ?

Playseverlogfile.txt (209.12kB)