Service Method Not Found

I’m getting an error with all my calls to my custom hosted services. The error says “service method not found”. I think it may have been because my credit card information was out of date. I updated it but it’s still not working. It also looks like my files in file storage have disappeared. What happened? Please help.

Hi Phil,

Could you check if you can invoke the methods using API Inspector? Just to clarify “API Inspector” is this:</img>


Yes. I can invoke the calls in the api inspector.

When you get an error saying the method cannot be found, do you invoke using REST or one of the generated libraries?

I download the JavaScript library.

Could you please re-download the library and try again? We did an upgrade yesterday and I suspect there is a change in the way the method is invoked (I will schedule a ticket to investigate the backwards compatibility issue, which normally should not happen)

Ok. I’ll try tonight. I can’t try right now.

I tried again and I’m still getting the error. “Service Method not Found” (400 bad request).

Hi Phil,

I was able to duplicate the problem. We will have this fixed asap.


Thank you.

Any luck on solving this issue?

Hi Phil!
Sorry for this inconvenience.

Tomorrow this issue will be solved.


Ok. Thanks for letting me know.

Hi Phil!
We already updated service.

Could you try it again?

Yes. It works now. Thank you for your help!