Set repeater block throws error 'sdk.js:16 Warning: You can not change the value when using LogicHandler.'

Possible problem found - the page ‘test’ as been used for several testings, if I open a new page for test the error does not happen.

ID A20959C8-58A0-45C4-BEEE-FF108415524A
see ‘test’ page
I’m trying to use a repeater component but I am getting -

In the ‘test’ page, on enter logic, I’ve reduced the logic down to simply directly assigining file data to repeater component and I am still getting the error.
Regards, Paul

Hello @Paul_HIllen

I see that the block that was used earlier on this page is no longer available. Perhaps you removed some logic when working with the page and that’s why you’re seeing errors now.
