Setting Development and Production Enviourment

We want to setup different development setting for different environment.

I followed the below link

but i cant find any option. Then i found another link which suggest for clone

I clone the application but it asking for payment. So setting different environment i have to pay for each environment

HI, @Vinod_Sahu.

Yes, since both applications will consume server resources. But for the development application, I recommend the Springboard plan, which can be earned for free by completing missions, or bought once and for all for 50$

Regards, Viktor

Hi Viktor,

I setup paid clone. In development i have done some changes in Frontend(Development environment) and when trying to merge with Production environment so there is no option to merge frontend code.

Hello @Vinod_Sahu

Are you talking about pages in the UI-builder now?


Yes i am talking about UI-Builder


You can zip your container with Frontend in development app

and transfer to production application. After you unpack the archive, a container with pages will appear in your production application. Note that let the container be the following: Root>>ui-builder>>containers>>container_name
