Setting Owner Permissions resulting in internal error

Hi, I recently created a new table and tried to set owner permissions. I receive the below error when clicking any of the checkmarks. This occurs for this new table as well as other tables that were create a while ago. Please advise… Thanks!

Backendless encountered an error while handling the request.
We logged this error with ID B2C5674A-5511-02A7-FFBB-F5F7043D5800 and will be investigating the issue.

Hi @Sean_Butler ,

Could you please provide your app ID?

Regards, Andriy




Hi @Sean_Butler,

We were able to reproduce this issue. I have created an internal ticket to fix this.


That’s great, thank you. And do you know when this fix will be pushed?

Our engineers investigating your problem. It could take a few days.

Hello @Sean_Butler,

We’ve resolved the issue with your application. Could you please check and confirm if everything is working as expected now? Thank you!

Best regards.

Looks great, thank you for the fast fix!