Show HTML content using UI BUILDER

Hi Guys.
I´m new on Backendless, but experimenting a lot and working hard on Missions.
I´m wondering how to display an HTML content inside a page built using UI Builder, what component and related option should I use ?
What component could I use to display a WebPage or any URL inside a window in a page made using UI Builder ?

Thanks all for your support.

Hi @Richard_Perez,

welcome to our community!

Are we talking about inserting some third-party HTML plugins using iframe or about custom HTML code?

If you need to show some content by URL, then iframe is what you need:


Hi @stanislaw.grin .
Thanks a lot for your fast answer.
I had tried to use that component but didn´t realize the use of “https://” in the URL configuration of the component is a MUST. if you use just “www”, you get an error.
Have a good day.

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