Hello everyone, I used Backendless.UserService.loginWithGooglePlus()
to sign in through Google and it works. But I noticed in the console that this function will be deprecated and and you need to use it Backendless.UserService.loginWithGooglePlusSdk()
. Here is added sdk at the end.
My problem: this function give 3 params: accessToken, fieldMapGoogle, stayLoggedIn. What kind of access token, or rather where to get it from? There is not a word in the documentation about this function
Thank you for your request, I’ve created an internal ticket to check the doc, the ticket number for reference is BKNDLSS-20971
Yes, we are going to remove the next signatures:
function loginWithFacebook(fields?: Object, permissions?: Object, stayLoggedIn?: boolean): Promise<void>;
function loginWithFacebookSdk<T = Backendless.User>(fields?: Object, stayLoggedIn?: boolean): Promise<T>;
function loginWithGooglePlus(fields?: Object, permissions?: Object, container?: HTMLElement, stayLoggedIn?: boolean): Promise<void>;
function loginWithGooglePlusSdk<T = Backendless.User>(fields?: Object, stayLoggedIn?: boolean): Promise<T>;
there are will be available only this methods:
function loginWithFacebookSdk<T = Backendless.User>(accessToken: String, fields: Object, stayLoggedIn?: boolean): Promise<T>;
function loginWithGooglePlusSdk<T = Backendless.User>(accessToken: String, fields?: Object, stayLoggedIn?: boolean): Promise<T>;
You are able to receive an accessToken
from Google/Facebook using any libraries/SDKs you want and then pass it as the first argument to the loginWith<Facebook|Google>SDK
take a look at our code sample in the JS-SDK by the following links:
Regards, Vlad
Thank you fro answer
I don’t understood what is
You are able to receive an accessToken
from Google/Facebook using any libraries/SDKs you want
Where I can take this token and what kind of libraries/SDKs
you mean?
I mean to use FacebookSKD/GoogleSDK
for instance, to get accessToken
from FacebookSDK you can use
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
if (response.status === 'connected') {
var accessToken = response && response.authResponse && response.authResponse.accessToken;
// here Backendless.Users.loginWithFacebookSdk(accessToken)
} else {
FB.login(function(response) {
var accessToken = response && response.authResponse && response.authResponse.accessToken;
// here Backendless.Users.loginWithFacebookSdk(accessToken)
}, fbLoginOptions);
I spend a hour for solve my problem but I not solved. Without examples it is nothing. Why you show me about FB, if I asked Google? Why your doc is uncomplete?
have you opened provided links above?
There is an example how to retrieve accessToken
from GoogleSDK
client_id: GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
scope : "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login"
}, function(response) {
var accessToken = response && response.access_token;
/// here Backendless.UserService.loginWithGooglePlusSdk(accessToken)