Simple Modal handler names confusing

Here is another topic about the Simple Modal I am starting to use.

I would just like to point out that handler names may be somewhat confusing, especially in regard to standard components. For example, I keep losing time having to research which is which between Submit Button Logic and On Submit Button.


I would like to suggest the following changes :
Submit Button LogicSubmit Button Label Logic (otherwise, I’m always thinking it’s what’s going to happen when I click, and it would be consistent with the Close Button Label Logic)
PlaceholderLogicPlaceholder Logic (missing space typo)
On Close ButtonOn Close Event (closing can happen when clicking outside the modal, not only by clicking the button, and it would be consistent with other components)
On Submit ButtonOn Submit Event (would be consistent with other components such as Form)

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Hello @Nicolas_REMY

Thank you for this suggestion.

I’ve created an internal ticket and we will fix it in the next component release.

Regards, Dima.

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