Should I get new BaaS Sdk? or this fix was on server side?
I have table with some messages between user, one column is date.
message 1 has data: 15.12.2014 22:33
message 2 has data: 15.12.2014 22:38
I want get only messages with date > 15.12.2014 22:35
My whereClause:
(fromUser='user1' OR toUser='user2') AND dateMain>20141215223433087
I have a little time buffer. But I nothing get with this whereClause.
If I change the data for example on 20141215183433087 I get latest messages (but not all, so it seems it work)
I think there is something wrong with TimeZone.
I apologize, I have misinformed you. The fix I was talking about has not been pushed to production yet, it is currently in QA. I will make sure we update this topic as soon as the deployment takes place (it should not take long).
On BaaS all datetimes are persisted in GMT0, and on your console you see the datetime in your local GMT. So in your queries you should write a datetime in GMT0. For example, if your local GMT is +3 and on your console you see dates 15.12.2014 22:33 and 15.12.2014 22:38, then to retrieve only the second one your query should contain