Simultaneous request limit reached

Hi, We use the Springboard plan for development and Cloud99 for Production.
The dev app is liilix_development.

We heavily use logic to retrieve course information from the database since our app ist a kind of training portal. I frequently exceed the API limit. Can you please increase this limit? We don’t have a lot of API call in a given month but when we retrieve and save course information the API traffic is quite heavy. We plan to implement even more business logic, payment processing etc. and need a development environment that can handle it.

It’a all fine on the production app liilix_produktion.

Hello @Andreas_Bernt-Baertl

We are going to revise our springboard app blocking policy. Is your test app locked now?


Hi @Inna_Shkolnaya,
It was blocked today in the morning and I suppose it still is. I’m traveling and can’t login.
Can you please check that liilix_develpoment is unblocked.

Thanks a lot



Please check now.


Hi @Inna,
yes thanks, it now works again. Did you make changes to the product or will encounter the same issue soon again?

Kind regards,


Yes, we made changes for more proper detection of simultaneous requests from API and web-console side.


I seem to have accidentally got my app blocked again for making to many requests.

Are you able to unlock it for me?

App ID : 67E5E78E-665F-D24F-FF0B-382C469B2100

Much Appreciated.

Hello @Bennie_Matthee

Application is automatically blocked for 24 hours after it reaches SuperScaling limit. It will also unlock automatically.
I checked your application is already unlocked.