Sometimes when we try to fetch the data using query ‘[backendless.persistenceService find:[TblCategory class] dataQuery:dataQuery responder:resCategory];’. Responder takes time to reponse. Is there something I am missing before calling this query?
Can you give me your project for investigating?
Or send the query code and your appId & secretKey ->
Hi Aman,
I implemented the project with your query (I’ve fixed it!) in non-stop mode .
-(id)categoryHandler:(id)response {
printf("Query time: %g\n", 1000*[[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:startTime]);
[self nonStopQuery];
return response;
-(void)errorHandler:(Fault *)fault {
NSLog(@"tServer reported an error: %@", fault);
-(void)tblCategoryQuery {
startTime = [NSDate date];
BackendlessDataQuery *dataQuery = [BackendlessDataQuery new];
QueryOptions *queryOptions = [QueryOptions new];
queryOptions.related = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:@[@"subcategory",@"subcategory.retailer",@"subcategory.retailer.beacons",@"subcategory.retailer.location"]];
dataQuery.queryOptions = queryOptions;
Responder *resCategory = [Responder responder:self selResponseHandler:@selector(categoryHandler:) selErrorHandler:@selector(errorHandler:)];
[backendless.persistenceService find:[TblCategory class] dataQuery:dataQuery responder:resCategory];
-(void)nonStopQuery {
dispatch_time_t interval = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 1ull*NSEC_PER_MSEC*500);
dispatch_after(interval, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self tblCategoryQuery];
These are my results:</img>
I don’t see any problem.
Can you try this app - how will be your results ?
What is the status of this? Have you tried Slava’s code?
Please see my response to your email.
Hi Mark and Slava,
This issue has been resolved by using asynchronous call of method registerDeviceToken . I appreciate your help in this. Thanks!