SMTP Errors Being Reported for Valid Email Addresses

This week I started receiving a few messages per day saying that errors occurred with email sending. The log shows two versions of the error - with templates and without templates:

2023-06-20 15:56:38,414 | Global logger | ERROR | Send custom template 'ReturnsTemplate' for '' was failed : Invalid Addresses
2023-06-20 15:56:38,418 | Global logger | ERROR | Result of sending messages using the template 'ReturnsTemplate' totalCount/failedCount:1/1 : Failed emails:
2023-06-20 18:55:13,525 | SMTP Logger | ERROR | Error occurred during email sending. Subject 'My Email Subject'. Recipients [,]. : Invalid Addresses

These operations have been working for over a year without changes and I’ve never received these messages until June 15. All email addresses reported are valid. The recipients all receive the reported mails, as far as I know.

app id = 8149FCCE-07DA-F988-FFBB-6154872C9500

Hi Kelly,

I believe the errors are reported by the SMTP server you’re using. Could you try sending a email to a failing email address from your mail client to see if it goes through?


Hi Mark - I agree - I’m pretty sure now that Backendless is just reporting the error - not causing it. Thank you!