'SocketEngine' does not conform to protocol 'WebSocketDelegate'

Unable to compile any of my apps as the Backendless swift package relies on GitHub - socketio/socket.io-client-swift and Type ‘SocketEngine’ does not conform to protocol ‘WebSocketDelegate’ in XCode Version 14.3.1 (14E300c)

The work around Solution was to make the SocketEngine.swift file editable and edit it in TextEdit and add the required Protocol, but this should be add to the SocketIO repository

public func didReceive(event: Starscream.WebSocketEvent, client: Starscream.WebSocketClient) {

Hello @Alan_Cook,

An internal ticket is created to investigate this issue.


XCode 14.3.1 and Swift Package manager “Master” Branch

Hello @Alan_Cook,

The issue was investigated and it comes from the Starscream library version.
It should be fixed on the Socket.IO side not on the Backendless one.
The corresponding pull request already exist.

More discussions can be found here: starscream version (4.0.6) · Issue #1450 · socketio/socket.io-client-swift · GitHub


Hello @Alan_Cook,

It seems Socket.IO fixed this issue in their latest update, I cannot reproduce it anymore.
Could you please check if it works for you with the latest version of Swift-SDK (7.0.1)?

Hello Olha. I’m afraid that the issue is not resolved yet. I have the same error and the CocoaMqtt package, installed Starscream version 4.0.8

Hello @Esteban_Castro,

Our Swift SDK is open source, and we highly value and encourage community contributions to support and improve it. We appreciate any assistance and collaboration from developers like you to enhance the SDK.
