I was browsing the documentation about Security and Permissions on this page: https://backendless.com/docs/js/rt_security_and_permissions.html and I found the 5 last links at the bottom of the page don’t work anymore.
I was browsing the documentation about Security and Permissions on this page: https://backendless.com/docs/js/rt_security_and_permissions.html and I found the 5 last links at the bottom of the page don’t work anymore.
Hi John,
thanks for reporting this. We’ll fix it asap, for now here is working links:
User Roles: https://backendless.com/docs/js/users_user_roles.html
Global Permissions: https://backendless.com/docs/js/users_global_permissions.html
Data Table Permissions: https://backendless.com/docs/js/users_asset_container_permissions.html
Individual Object Permissions: https://backendless.com/docs/js/users_asset_permissions.html
Data Security: https://backendless.com/docs/js/data_security.html
Well done, Stanislaw ! Thank you for fast reply & giving the missing links.
You’re welcome!