Some users not able to login to their account

Some of the users are not able to login to the app with their password.After the registration process, user can login to the account using his password that was created during registration.

But for some users when they try to login, backendless call is failing and shown two different error messages:

  1. Could not register device on Backendless server: BackendlessFault{ code: ‘11033’, message: ‘The application has been blocked due to exceeding a limit.’, detail: ‘The application has been blocked due to exceeding a limit.’, extendedData: ‘{}’ }

  2. Invalid Username or Password

For users who got the error message Invalid Username or Password, their data has been cleared from backendless. There is no code written to clear the data of the users.But data is being cleared.

For users who got the error message Could not register device on Backendless server: BackendlessFault{ code: ‘11033’, , their data is not being cleared.But they can login to the account only after reinstalling the app ,clearing the data storage and cache.

Backendless Version (3.x / 5.x, Online / Managed / Pro )


Client SDK (REST / Android / Objective-C / Swift / JS )

Objective-C (v4.0.20)

Application ID


Hello @Kevin_McClain

In your Business Logic or EVENT HANDLERS maybe there is logic that could delete the user?

Only for users from



Please provide exactly what requests lead to an error, indicating excess of the limit.

Backendless.Messaging.registerDevice(“List with default channel”, new AsyncCallback()

Backendless.UserService.login( “email”, “password”, new AsyncCallback()

This is the request that ends up giving error as in"Invalid Username or Password", The code for this error is 3003…Don’t know exactly why sometimes the value gets cleared from the server.

Can you reproduce this problem for a particular user account? I mean, could you specify userid and password for the account that cannot login?

Also, does the problem with “value getting cleared” happen for any login request that results in the 3003 error?


Please see the credentials of one user having this issue:

Email Id :
Password : 37metrics

Even if user enter the wrong username or password, the error code is 3003.

Are you sure the password is indeed 37metrics?
When the credentials are wrong, the system will respond with the 3003 error code. That error indicates that the provided credentials are wrong. I tried logging in with the userid/password you provided and the login failed. Then I set the password to the user to be “37metrics” and the login goes through just fine.


Yes .the password was 37metrics.
All the details of the user were cleared from backendless. That is why you were not able to login with the password 37metrics.When you set the password as 37metrics in backendless, you were able to login.
That is the issue we are facing now.User data including password is being cleared.

Hello @Kevin_McClain

Please provide us steps to reproduce your issue, try to find an action after which user is not able to login again.

Or/and, you can send us a minimal project (not all your project) which just represent this problem.

Regards, Vlad

@Kevin_McClain, when I login using that account outside of your app the behavior is expected and no properties of the user are cleared. I recommend going through the code in a debugger to see where in the code a request is made to update the user object.


Since this issue is only there for 4-5 users , we haven’t able to reproduce the scenario where the user data is being cleared.All other users are able to login to the app with their password.