SSL Error Handler

Hey folks,
I updated my app, added compile ‘com.backendless:backendless:’ instead of v.3.0.24 and pushed to play market. My app has been rejected. I’ve returned v.3.0.24 back and pushed - app is successfully published.

I remember that we have discussed about this bug and you guys fixed it:
But seems you added “SSL Error Handler” again. Please fix it ASAP!
Look at the attached screenshots.

Also can you create a google account and publish test apk with your last changes? In this case you can check you sdk, before your customers will find new bugs.

Thank you!

P.S. I know that google has a lot of stupid policies, but we should find a compromise.

Hi, Oleg.
You have been trying to use older version than exist now. An old version do contain method “onReceivedSslError”, which Google is considered as potentially insecure.
The version 3.0.24 is more newer than 3.0.8.x, and you should use that one instead.

Ah, I see that 3.0.24 is the last!

Thank you for your fast response!