I get on chrome, always an SSL Error on PC preview. On Safari, one OK once error.
Can not find the error.
Could you publish the UI container and share the link for the page that generated the error?
Here we go:
Account: hugoroppel
Plan: Scale Variable
App: BE_TestApp
Subdomaine: deluxtouch-us.backendless.app
In working with the UI, applying the mission to understand better on the return of the “pd screen” review, we always get the following message:
“Server send an invalid Answer”…
From time to time it works, mostly if fails! Chrome states that the site is not secure.
How do I get an SLL for this subdomain etc., and/or how can this problem be solved, thanks.
I appreciate you help, we are in the phase of evaluating Backendless for our Groupe, we like what we see, so fare this subject has been the only reoccurring problem, would appreciate if this can be solved sustainable in order to continue, our team is eager to start.
Best regards
Hugo / Hergiswil / Switzerland
Can you also share the link to the page where you receive this error?
Here we go:
Thanks, and best regards
For me everything opens without any problems, I tried in Google Chrome.
Maybe you have some additional steps to reproduce this issue?
Regards, Nikita.
Since the site is considered, google + Safari as not secured, can I get a SSL for the subsite? That may solve the problem.
Hello @Hugo_Roppel
What exactly do you mean by subsite
If Subdomaine: deluxtouch-us.backendless.app, then it already uses SSL.