Storing large amount of text/html in the database.

Mark Piller mentioned that “Columns of type TEXT have a limit of 2000 characters.” Also STRING columns have a limitation of 500 characters.

Why did you set such annoying limitations? My client wants to put large amount of text or html into the database through dashboard, is it possible?

I know it’s possible to use files for this purpose, but the texts aren’t so large to store them in files and to add a logic of asynchronously retrieving the files.

Why did you set such annoying limitations? My client wants to put large amount of text or html into the database through dashboard, is it possible?

Because we do not want people to abuse our system and store copies of “War and Peace” in the database. Also, it is considered a bad practice to store large blocks of data in the database (it slows down the system and will result in substandard performance on the client side).

Anything larger than the limits you mentioned should be stored in files.