Stream Path in Core Player API


I saw that the stream path url is only available for Enterprise customers. Can you furnish me with details and pricing?


Hi Hisham,

I am not sure I understand what you’re asking about. Could you please point out where exactly you saw that?


Hi Mark

its under Controlling Playback Stream section in

its also under the same section in

basically what we want to do is obtain the stream path and restream it to media server that could transmux RTMP to HLS stream. We know to handle the transmuxing but we just need to know the stream path.

Hi Hisham,

The functionality you’re pointing out will be obsolete soon. We will be making changes in the Media Service API to let you bring your own Media Service and connect it with Backendless. This way you will have full control of the media server.

As for “re-streaming”, do you plan to do it on the client-side?


Hello Mark

thanks for the heads-up … any ETA on the changes?

yeah so our plan is to stream RTMP from app to our media server which ingest and transmux to HLS and restream back to the app for playback

Thanks so much