Stripe Account Configuration

I’ve got an email with the following information

Your Stripe account is not configured. Due to this no revenue calculation took place for this period.
Do not worry - no revenue is lost. It will be considered in next period revenue calculation.
Just go to your developer account settings and specify your Stripe Account info.

This is what I see at my account settings:

What else do I have to configure?


Hi Klaas,

Could you please send an email to and include your Stripe Connect ID as well as a link to this message? This will help us investigate the issue further.


Hi @Klaas_Klever,

Thank you for the information you have provided. I have created an internal ticket to investigate your case - BKNDLSS-34122. We will let you know when we have any information.


Hi @Klaas_Klever ,

I have fixed your problem. It was caused by error in synchronization of developer information between clusters - information about Stripe account was present in EU cluster but was missing in US cluster while payouts performed by logic from US cluster.

When you last time updated Stripe configuration?

Regards, Andriy

I think I never updated it since its creation in August