Stripe Webhook Error

Application ID: B53080A3-5A03-5214-FF71-78E1836E9E00

Problem description

Hello, I am trying to use the Stripe plugin but I keep getting this response on webhooks when I check the dashboard

“code”: 9000,
“message”: “Application with ID B530xxxxxxxxxx does not exist”,
“errorData”: {

I have copied and pasted the app id directly from backendless console.

Thank you in advance

Hi @Hezzron_Austin ,

What URL you specified in Stripe for sending Webhooks?

Regards, Andriy

Hey @Andriy_Konoz ,

I followed the Backendless Guide

@Hezzron_Austin ,

Your app is located in EU cluster so you should use domain in the link instead. Also could you please provide a link for the article so we can fix it?

Regards, Andriy

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Thank you, that worked!

Here’s a link to the guide