Style Data Table component

Hi. I’m trying to style the Data Table component via a custom Theme extension that overrides CSS styles and so far I’m not successful. I would love some help. I’m trying to color the header cells and alternate rows as follows:


Which elements would you define in an extension to override the Theme? Thanks!

Snippet of the Theme for Data Table component:

Hello @Marc_Chriqui

try the following styles:

.bl-data-table {
    .bl-data-table-head-cell {
       background-color: #481818 !important;
         color: #fff;

Thanks! It works, and I also successfully changed the styles for alternate rows, however I seem to have lost the hover effect on rows. Do you know why? I didn’t override the hover style.

My code:

background-color: #4f94e8 !important;

  color: #fff;


background-color: #ffffff;

  background-color: #f5f5f5;


I believe it’s because of CSS Weight Rules

!important has the highest priority

Ok but I only added !important to: background-color: #4f94e8 !important;

The hover style shouldn’t have been affected.

Not a big deal, thanks for your help.

the best way is to select a particular element and then check its styles

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