Subscription status is "trial_ended" with "No Connection with server"

Backendless Version (3.x / 6.x, Online / Managed / Pro )


Client SDK (REST / Android / Objective-C / Swift / JS )


Application ID

I cannot get to it or to any aspect of the app.

Expected Behavior

when switching to app “proact” I expect to be able to change the plan or at least to delete the app, but instead I get a red banner at the top of the page sating {Subscription status is “trial_ended”}, an icon “Trial Expired” on the bottom left, and a red banner saying “no connection to server” in the working area instead of giving me the app management page from which I should be able to upgrade or delete the app.
The way it is now I cannot even add another app on the US server.

Actual Behavior

See above.

Reproducible Test Case

Add an app from the marketplace and let the 30-day trial period expire.

Thank you!

Hi @Oren_Katznelson ,

Sorry for inconvenience.
Access to your app was restored.

Regards, Andriy