Swift examples

Would help out a ton if you guys like did the same examples and we are able to see them both in Objective C and Swift.

Is this in the works?

Hi Balint,

Yes, it is. Which API are you focusing on? We help through the forum in the interim…


In addition it would be at least helpful to get code generation for both Objective-C and Swift.

Hey Mark,

I did figure out what I needed but I was suggesting it as it would speed up development a lot.

Thanks for the reply.

Have to agree a lack of swift examples is really offputting especially when Im on the search for an alternative to Parse which was bang on with swift examples.

Hi Seth,

I agree, having more examples in Swift would be very handy. Meanwhile, many articles in this series do have Swift examples: https://backendless.com/blog-a-feature-a-day-challenge/


I am in the exact same boat. Backendless (for my ios swift 2 apps) is a real contender. I too am looking for a Parse replacement. However, the lack of swift documentation is throwing me off the idea somewhat. If I were in Backendless’s shoes, I would scramble to make it available ASAP due to the influx of Parse users that will be looking in the coming times. This could be an amazing boost in users.

I’m just commenting on this to make the urgency for backendless to do this known. I’ve checked out a bunch of other companies and backendless is the most similar to parse. The only problem is their documentation.

Hi David,

It is our top priority. We’re working on adding Swift examples as we speak. Meanwhile, the following tool appears to be quite handy when converting Obj-C to Swift (although not 100% reliable):


We really do not want this to hold you up. If there is a specific example you would like to see, please start a new topic here in support and just let us know.


Quick update: “Users” and “Data” sections of the documentation have been updated with Swift examples.


Sorry for reopening a 7 month old thread but I’m just curious if there are any changes needed to the examples in relation to Swift 3 support?

Hi Brooks,

Please see the discussion at:


Thanks Mark!