I have an app in 3.x which I would like to migrate to 4.0, but because my app is in production and I constantly need to add new data to the database I want to synchronize the data between the two version. Is there a way to do so? I don’t think all users will install the update in a short timeframe so I would like to at least allow the users that do so within a few weeks.
Hi Kuoy,
There’s no built-in way to do that, but you still have multiple options. For example, you could set up event handlers which would duplicate the data changes to the new version; or you could run export/import regularly and when switching your app users on new application deployment.
Don’t you think there should be a built-in way because it’s hard for all users to install the update in a short timeframe. Also, this is bad for app with dynamic content like post, comment, like, etc.
You’re right, but it would be too expensive (if even possuble) to implement and support such a universal synchronization system. The approaches I suggested above should work good enough if you really need some kind of data sync.