Tab order for input fields in the Console at GET handlers


I have a few GET handlers in my application which I test with the Backendless Console. In the GET request, the input fields are seperate for every parameter.
When I have multiple number or string inputs, I can press the Tab key on the keyboard to change to the next input field. But when I have boolean paramters, the focus does not stop at the checkboxes, but it jumps directly to the next string input box.

Would it be possible to change this behavious, so the focus lands also on checkboxes. This would speed up things, as the user would not have to change from the keyboard (while entering the numbers or string) to the mouse, to click on the checkboxes.

I attached an image what I’m thinking about, to clarify my words a bit.

Hello Jonas,

The internal ticket BKNDLSS-17249 created. We’ll answer here as soon as improvement is done.
Also your attached file could not be opened with error 404. Please reattach it.

Regards, Olga

Hi Olga,

thanks for the feedback. I attached the image here again.

Best regards, Jonas

Hi Jonas

The fix has been released, could you check this please?
Thanks, Vld

Works perfectly fine (at least in Firefox and Edge)

Thanks guys :slight_smile: