Table has been deleted when trying to delete multiple rows

I was trying to delete 3 row and suddenly the whole table is deleted.
first why this happens?
second please recover the table.
AppId: 5FB0EA72-A363-4451-FFA5-A56F031D6600

Hello @adel_kasno

We apologize for the inconvenience. We are investigating this problem. Please provide the name of the table.




Please try to solve it fast, we’re in the middle of coding. this cost us time and money.


Our specialists are currently investigating this problem.


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We have checked the access logs in our system and see the following log entry: - - [08/Feb/2021:10:10:07 +0000] 
"DELETE /5FB0EA72-A363-4451-FFA5-A56F031D6600/console/data/tables/ride HTTP/1.1" 204 0 
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) 
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.146 Safari/537.36"

This is a request from the IP address of to delete the ride table. The IP address matches the one you use to access the form. The only time this request can be made by Backendless Console is when you click the button to delete a table:

There is absolutely no way that that request can be made when you delete records from the data table.

If you would like us to restore the database from the backup, we can do that, but there will be an administrative fee to cover our engineers’ time.


@mark-piller No thank you I’ve created it, but this is weird, I’m pretty sure I didn’t press that icon.
If it happend again, I will try to find more proof.