Task: Table with repeater
Hi, I’m new here in backendless.
I really don’t know what happend in this mission. The result showing fine, but the validation task return faild.
Please, can you help me? I can’y move forward…
Thanks, Carlos.
Hi Carlos,
Last Namer
should change to Last Name
. Perhaps there is something else, but that will prevent the task from validating.
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your return.
Still not validating, after correct “Last Namer” for “Last Name”
Hi Mark,
I still having problem with this mission. I really don’t know what is it. Can I moving forwdard with the next mission? Can you please unblock for me?
Hello @Carlos_Rubinstein,
The mission is not being validated because not all instructions have been completed.
In the
onPageEnter handler, you need to set values for
age using a block with the
number data type.
Please try to correct it based on this screenshot and attempt to validate the mission again.
Thank you Alexander an Mark!!!
My mistake, I use text an not Math to put the age…,
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