Tables with relation are no longer able to be viewed in Data Browser


App ID 0E890F6E-A6DC-A016-FF0E-6D9D1FBB3C00

Tables “Phone” and it’s related Column in “Contact” are not able to be viewed. On opening in Data Browser it attempts a where clause which we did not enter.

We have attached a video of behavior.


Hello @Joel_J_Symens

The problem is in column name Contact[PhoneRelate] - you could rename it without [ and ] or wait until we fix it.

Sorry for inconveniences

Regards, Dima

Somehow the Phone table has two columns with the same name? One column is a “cue” column for Contact[PhoneRelate] and the other is a column also named Contact[PhoneRelate]. The non “cue” column is not appearing in the schema to be able to be renamed or deleted. Do I rename the relation in it’s parent? If so, does the remaining Contact[PhoneRelate] column in the Phone table become available in the schema table to delete?

If you about the grey one with the label “relation from” - it’s not a column in this table, it’s just a pointer to a related record in another table. You can’t and shouldn’t rename it. Rename only the “white” one.

I am not talking about the cue column, as you call in the documentation, I am talking about the copy of it which appears to be a regular column, but does not appear in the Schema table. There is no column in the Schema named Contact[PhoneRelate] to delete or rename. How am I able to delete a column if it is not appearing in the Schema table? This table appears to have a ghost column in the Data browser. For some reason the Data browser table is showing a column which is the same name of the as your “cue” or “greyed out” column.

My guess is that a column with the same name as the cue column was made and your data browser and schema page does not handle that mishap. I understand that there is not two columns with the same name, but I don’t have access to the column in the schema to rename it, and the “cue” column in the data browser should not be in the scheme either.

I have managed to get the column in Phone “Contact[PhoneRelate]” (not the cue column) to appear in the schema by changing the name of the relationship in Phone’s parent table. Now that the “Contact[PhoneRelate]” appears in the schema I have attempted to delete that column to which I receive the follow error.

It appears that the Phone Schema page stills sees the “Contact[PhoneRelate]” even though it has been renamed in Parent table to another name, or it is confused with the columned named in the same fashion as a relation cue column?

The where clause performed on this table is not working correctly in the application.

Hello @Joel_J_Symens

Sorry for all inconveniences

I have renamed this column by myself from Contact[PhoneRelate] to Contact_PhoneRelate and now you must be able to rename/delete it as you want.

As I said earlier, the internal ticket is already created and you will be notified when it will be released.

Many thanks for your patience and for helping us get better.

Let me know if some issues/questions are still stayed unresolved.

Regards, Dima.

It appears that the Phone Schema page stills sees the “Contact[PhoneRelate]” even though it has been renamed in Parent table to another name, or it is confused with the columned named in the same fashion as a relation cue column?

It might be, we will investigate it. Check if everything works fine for you now, please