Targeting property in property — Get vs. Set

We have an object in App Data which contains a property (“A”) that is another object, with another property (“B”) which in turn has a property “C”. To get property “C” we can do:

However, when we set property “B” like so:

We do not target property “B” inside “A”… instead, we end up creating a new property in App Data which is “A.B” (property name is “A.B”). Seems like a bug… or is it expected behavior? Getting a property inside a property works fine, but how can we update a property inside a property?

Hello @Alex_Klein

This behavior is expected.
In the “Get” block you can use the syntax of specifying a nesting path with an “A.B” point
The “Set” block does not support paths with a point.
As a solution, we can suggest that you use the following.
image (1)


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