Task accomplishment is not recognized

Task: Run GET Request With REST Console

I have retrieved the data both from the REST console and from a separate browser tab. I can see the data I created in the table in the rest response. But somehow the task is not recognized as accomplished. It isn’t clear to me what I need to do beyond using REST to retrieve the data. This is blocking me proceeding with the missions.

Hi there @Ian_Goodacre,

Please ensure that API Tracking is enabled in the application where you perform the task. API tracking can be found under Manage → API Tracking.


Thank you. That has solved the problem. It isn’t obvious to me how I got there with API tracking disabled. It might help if you added a note to the task description, in case others encounter the same.

And thank you for your very quick responses! Very helpful!

Thank you for your offer. We are happy to assist you, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
