Task: Add Object With API

I am following the mission, I understand what is being laid out in detail, but where do I add the code that is provided in the example?
It says: Use Backendless API to save an object in the database. Make sure to store the object in the Person table. For example, the following code saves a new object in the database. Then lays out the code example. I copied the api key info that is needed and plugged it into the code example, just need to know where to add the code. I clicked into the person table and clicked into REST Console, but its wanting JSON, not JS. So it cant be there. lol. Im new to this but determined.

Hi James,

Do you prefer to do that task with code? There is also a codeless approach described in the other mission pack.

Do you mind if I change the post to be public? Private messaging is reserved for customers who licensed either the Pro or Managed versions of the product.


Sure, I just watched the video from the forum, relating to this issue. I see what to do now. I am trying to create a registration form for a mobile app that I want to make, but am doing the missions first, this is very helpful. You can change it to public.

If you are going to make that mobile app using UI Builder, I recommend switching to the Codeless Mission pack.


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explain how to do so and I will. I really just want full drag and drop/codeless if possible.

Perhaps this will help:
Mission Packs For Codeless Learning | Backendless

Simply go to Missions and choose “Starter Pack for Codeless”.


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