I was try to integrate Google+ with backendless as per the documentation. I have given Google Plus ID and Google Plus Secret on Social Settings.
I got “The OAuth client was not found” on the popup,and the Url was “https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=ems1-1342&redirect_uri=https://api.backendless.com/users/social/googleplus/authorize&response_type=code&scope=email&state=E4BB90B1-BAC4-CB56-FFF6-F7E8BC28D800”
When I don’t give Google Plus ID and Google Plus Secret on Social Settings it will login fine.
Will backendless support Oauth now?
Hi Anusha,
Please specify, which documentation did you use?
I used same code which you provided for google+.No where mentioned to put Application ID and secret key of google+ account…To get google contacts we need to give Application ID. That time I got an error.