Thumbnails (as images from videos)


Is there a way of getting thumbnails (as images from videos) from I’ve noticed there is a thumbnails folder in Files, but they are not real images from videos.

Hi, George.
Please, make your question clearer.
What you mean by ‘getting thumbnails (as images from videos) from’?
Is it about our SDK or Console features?
Which video was mentioned?

Regards, Ilya

Hi, Ilya.
I was talking about Console feature. I was testing the VideoService demo on iOS and I can see in the console some thumbnails, but they aren’t images from my streams. They are default thumbnails (with a play icon on them)

Please, provide us your appId

George, this thumbnail is by design:</img>

Ok, so is it possible to have the thumbnail as a frame image extracted from the video ?


Is it possible to have the thumbnail as a frame image extracted from the video ?

Thank you.

Now this is impossible, we will add this task to the next server-side release.


Can you tell me when the next server-side release is?

Thank you.

George, we have no specific date planned for this feature release.
We will let you know when this will happen

Can i get thumbnails from uploaded video?

Hello @Vinod_Sahu

What version of Backendless do you use?
Where do you want to see thumbnails?

Backendless will not automatically generate a thumbnail for an upload video. You’d need to add code that makes it happen and you could save the thumbnail in the file storage.
