Timeout in timer

I have a problem with execution time in timers. I know that time is limited and we have already ordered the extension to 20 seconds, but unfortunately that is not enough for one case.
We have a complex process in which it is calculated for each customer when which products have to be checked for expiry. The process first has to check which items have to be checked at all and then it is checked how often we drive to the customer and at what interval. The articles to be checked are then distributed over six months so that not everything has to be checked at once.
Unfortunately, the timer aborts due to a timeout. Is there another way that a function can run longer?
An alternative would be to add a function to the UI Builder that does the same thing, but only for one customer and I then have to open the function manually until all customers are calculated for the next six months. But that’s not a nice solution.

Hello @Gerrit_Marttila

I have discussed your problem with the team and this is the suggestion we have:
Try to decompose that logic to several separate timers and see if it solves the problem.
Maintaining some sort of vault containing “things to upgrade” would be useful. One general timer will enrich this storage and one that frequently called and check the storage for items to update, get and delete after some operation.


Okay, that would have been my last resort as well, but I was hoping there was a more elegant way. Especially if you run through several loops in a row, you quickly need several seconds of computing time.